Howard County Library System
In early 2023 Due East was selected to be the planning partner for Howard County Library System, headquartered in Columbia, MD. We supported HCLS to:
1) Engage nearly 3,200 people including over 2,600 community members as well as all board and staff, and key community partners. Through surveys, listening & engagement sessions offered in multiple languages as well as 1:1 interviews and large planning sessions, Due East identified the needs, wants and priorities of library users and non-users of all ages and identities. This information was used to inform decision makers during public deliberations and budget hearings about building a new downtown library to keep pace with a growing, diverse community.
2) Conduct benchmarking and virtual learning tours with leading libraries across the country.
3) Co-create a 5-year Strategic Plan including a new mission, vision, values, strategic priorities and measurable goals.