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The Howe Library Corporation, Hanover, New Hampshire, is seeking a qualified firm or individual consultant to facilitate the development of a strategic plan for the next 3-5 years. We intend that the planning process will engage multiple stakeholders and its results will guide the library staff and Corporation Board’s programmatic, capital, and fundraising efforts in the coming years. The plan must include input derived from stakeholders including staff, town officials, trustees, and community members; usage data; and data on community needs. As appropriate, the results and recommendations derived from a recently completed recommissioning report identifying the library facility’s infrastructure needs must be vetted and incorporated into the strategic plan. (This RFP is not currently on the Howe’s website but is available in pdf form.)
The completed strategic plan should include the following areas of focus:
Programs and collections
New initiatives (e.g., sustainability, DEAI)
Corporation governance
Fundraising (including staffing)
Building and infrastructure improvements
Facilitation of stakeholder meetings and other data collection strategies, such as a survey
Summation of key areas of interest to Board, staff, and community
Recommendations and presentation of strategic goals incorporating the findings of the recently completed recommissioning report
Written plan document including all of the above.
Presentation to Board of Trustees and interested members of the public
A budget of $10-15,000 or an amount proposed and negotiated
Submission Guidelines and Timeline
May-June 2023: Submission period
July-August 2022: Firm interviews and selection
September-December: Project work, stakeholder meetings, plan documentation
October: Progress announced at the Howe Library Corporation Annual Meeting
December: Project completion